Thursday, February 18, 2010

Math Links

Hey Dr. Data,
My students have been working on coordinate graphs and converting in the metric system. Do you know of any good links I could tag for my students? Thank you for your help - Ms. Norris in Manhattan!

Well, Mrs. Norris we found this great Wiki that two teachers made for their classes. You will find many links and resources here.

Cindy said...

Hi again Dr. Data,
I thought of another question that I must ask you!! What ideas do you have for learning about probability? We are working on it and the kids want something fun to use for practice! Thank you for your help! Ms. Norris in Manhattan - Go Wildcats!

We hope your students like this link. If they explore this website further, they will find more activities for probability.

Dr. Data


  1. How can you use technology to teach math facts?

  2. Hey Doc, my students struggle every year with estimation and measurement on the Kansas assessment. Got any great ideas that I can use to help my students?
